- [HTTPS In Development: A Practical Guide](
https-in-development-a-practical-guide-175m) – Why and how to setup HTTPS
certificates, with or without reverse proxy, in a your development environment.
- Dead Simple Python: Classes
– Classes and objects: the bread-and-butter of many a developer.
Object-oriented programming is one of the mainstays of modern programming,
so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Python is capable of it.
- [Developer pet peeve: Not having clear role requirements](https:// – A new report from HackerRank,
based on responses from more than 71,000 software developers in more than
100 countries, finds that “68% of developers say nothing irks them more than
being unsure of what is expected of them.” And that’s not all. Reaad full
report or get an [overview](
report-developers-want-clear-role-requirements/) of the research in this
summary from SD Times.
- [How the Economist uses Go to build microservices](
articles/golang-the-economist) – In this case study, software engineer
Kathryn Jonas explains how the Economist transitioned from a monolith to
microservice architecture to gain the flexibility required to deliver
content to increasingly diverse digital channels. Find out why the
engineering team chose Go and discover some lessons they learned in the
- Awesome Tmux – List of helpful
tmux links for various tutorials, plugins, and configuration settings.
- [Awesome list of Important Podcasts for software engineers](
rShetty/awesome-podcasts) – List of podcasts which are helpful for software
- [20 Docker commands use cases for developers](
20-docker-commands-use-cases-for-developers-2d9g) – Technology is most
effective when you know how to work with it; bear this in mind when you work
with Docker. Teams adopting Docker for the first time typically do so on the
recommendation of Devops. Devops cannot always explain, however, how the new
team should use it without risking the benefits of their existing system.
- [After microservices, Kubernetes, and serverless, what’s next?](https://
– Sonya Koptyev, director of evangelism at Twistlock, muses on what lies
ahead, infrastructure-wise, for cloud-native organizations.
- [Automating data center operations at Dropbox](
2019/01/automating-datacenter-operations-at-dropbox/) – The team talks
cluster ops queues, switch provisioning, server repair and validation, and
- Kubernetes failure stories
– Here’s a list of public Kubernetes failure stories, compiled by Zalando’s
Henning Jacobs. The goal: to “make it easier for people tasked with operations
to find outage reports to learn from.”
- A pair of posts looking in detail at account management in AWS, exploring
how many AWS accounts your need and how to best organise them:
- [A Kubernetes case study from CERN](
kubernetes-at-cern-use-cases-integration-and-challenges) – covering lots
of technical and non-technical aspects of adopting the platform for data
analysis and other workloads.
tail -f /dev/blog
- [What Are The Best Software Engineering Principles?](
luminousmen/what-are-the-best-software-engineering-principles–3p8n) – In
this post luminousmen explain what are the best
software engineering principles.
- [The Realistic Guide to Remote Work](
the-guide-to-remote-work-that-isnt-trying-to-sell-you-anything-498m) – This
guide goes over the state of remote work, the pros and cons.
- Retired, Apparently
– “Last week marked the second anniversary of my most-recent paycheck, and
next week marks the 76th anniversary of my birth.”
- [Hey Google, set my desk to standing mode!](
hey-google-set-my-desk-to-standingmode-ai6) – how to hack any electrical
device and connect it to the Google Assistant!