An ex-Googler’s guide to dev tools – Many years ago, I did a brief stint at Google. A lot has changed since then, but even that brief exposure to Google’s internal developer tools left a lasting impression on me. In many ways, the dev tools inside Google are the most advanced in the world.
Exotic Programming Ideas: Effect Systems – Continuing on in our series on exotic programming ideas, we’re going to explore the topic of effects. Weak forms of effect tagging are found in many mainstream programming languages, however the use of programming with whole effect systems that define syntax for defining and marking regions of effects in the surface syntax is still an open area in language design.
Readme Driven Development – A perfect implementation of the wrong specification is worthless. By the same principle a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless. If your software solves the wrong problem or nobody can figure out how to use it, there’s something very bad going on.
Pijul - The Mathematically Sound Version Control System Written in Rust – Pijul is an up-and-coming version control system (VCS) that combines aspects of third-generation VCS tools such as Git and Darcs. It is written in Rust and the first alpha version was released in November 2020. Pijul strives to be mathematically sound and more natural in its understanding and implementation of version tracking than existing systems while ensuring optimal performance.
Q&A with the Creator of the Pijul Version Control System – This article is a Q&A with Pierre-Étienne Meunier, the creator and lead developer of the Pijul VCS (version control system). We asked him a series of questions related to his background, the creation of Pijul, and the overall direction of the version control field. His answers were extremely interesting and worth a read.
10 Must-Read Books for Software Engineers – reading a good book is still something many people don’t want to miss. [#books]
Make a language – Here’s a tutorial series about making a programming language called Eldiro using the Rust programming languagе.
Unraveling Python’s logging library – With an understanding of how the different components work under the hood, you don’t have to refer to the documentation every time you want to use logging.
Networking Tools Every Developer Needs to Know – Let’s learn the overlooked networking skills like inspecting DNS records, scanning ports, troubleshooting connections or firewalls and much more.
Container orchestration tools explained – The way we write, ship, and maintain software today has evolved drastically in the last few years. How we consume underlying infrastructure to run our software has matured significantly, in that we have seen a transition from bare metal to virtual machines to containers to micro-VMs.
7 Pieces of Advice to be a Successful Software Enginee – seven pieces of advice to be a Successful Software Engineer. [#career]
The Code That Controls Your Money – COBOL is a coding language older than Weird Al Yankovic. The people who know how to use it are often just as old. It underpins the entire financial system. And it can’t be removed. How a computer language controls the financial life of the world. [#cobol]
Every year on September 19, Dr. Scott Fahlman passes out smiley face cookies. That’s because, in 1987, he invented the smiley face emoticon to help people recognize sarcasm (and thus curtail flame wars) on a Carnegie Mellon University bulletin board. “Sometimes I know how Dr. Frankenstein felt,” he says. “It’s not like I’m famous for having [driven] into a school bus full of children or something. [The smiley is] not a bad thing to be famous for. Not what I would’ve chosen, but so be it. But after a forty-year career working on AI – I could solve AI and I know what the first line of my obit would be”.